The CDP, Carbon Disclosure Project, is a non-profit organization that provides environmental information from investors, companies, cities, and governments to assist in managing and addressing their impacts and investigating risks and opportunities related to climate change, forests, and water security.
The initiative aims to inform and encourage actions in the realm of climate management, such as mitigation and adaptation to climate change, and actions for the restoration of forests and ecosystems, moving towards a more sustainable world. To this end, a system was created that resulted in unprecedented engagement on environmental issues worldwide. More than 13,000 companies and over 1,100 cities, states, and regions respond to the CDP questionnaire, and investors with more than $110 trillion in assets analyze the performance of companies through the CDP.
The climate change questionnaire for companies requests information about their climate strategies within the business, including questions on climate governance, GHG inventory data, scenario analysis, climate risk assessments, low-carbon opportunities, target setting, and descriptions of emission reduction and engagement initiatives, so that the CDP can provide a score measuring corporate progress in this area.
Each year, the CDP reviews its questionnaire to drive better practices and improve the quality of data and the disclosure experience. According to the document 'Question Changes and Questionnaire Map: 2021 to 2022', in 2022, compared to the previous year, 12 questions were removed and 25 were added. Among the new questions, 6 are specifically for RE100 companies (a global initiative of large companies committed to sourcing 100% renewable energy) and 6 focus on biodiversity. These are the major highlights of CDP 2022, which created a section to address this topic.
Responding to the questionnaire is becoming increasingly important to promote transparency and attract investors who prefer sustainable institutions committed to corporate social responsibility.
In Brazil, the stock exchange (B3) annually promotes the selection of companies to be included in the Corporate Sustainability Index (ISE) investment portfolio. The ISE B3 guidelines, published in 2021, indicated that, to align with widely used methodologies in international and Brazilian markets, the ISE will use the scores received from the CDP climate management questionnaire to evaluate company performance in its selection process regarding climate change issues.
GSS Carbon e Bioinovation aligns climate change and biodiversity issues and helps companies map their climate management, create action plans, and also identify the best way to respond to the CDP questionnaire and advance in climate-related topics.