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Climate Change Management.

The transition to a low-carbon economy has already begun.  

With national and international experience, GSS assists its clients transitioning to a low-carbon economy and complying with Climate Convention objectives. 

We provide guidance in developing strategies to tackle the challenges posed by climate change, seeking to create opportunities for innovation, resilience, and competitiveness within the context of a low-carbon economy. 

Gestão climática | economia de baixo carbono




GHG inventories conducted 


carbon credits generated


carbon neutral events

Mensuração de Impactos
Climate Management > Featured Service 

Impact measurement.

We offer comprehensive corporate solutions, from Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventories to product carbon footprints. These services are crucial for guiding emissions reduction and mitigation actions. 

Climate Management

Greenhouse Gas Emissions Inventory.

A cornerstone of climate strategy, this service involves the collection, analysis, and reporting of greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) from a given organization, covering Scopes 1, 2, and 3 of the GHG Protocol. The GHG inventory provides a comprehensive understanding of your climate impact and serves as basis for implementing emission reduction measures. 

Climate Management

Scope 3 Mapping and Engagement.

Scope 3 mapping is crucial for companies to take full responsibility for their environmental impact, measuring indirect GHG emissions in their operations and value chain.

By identifying, categorizing and quantifying these emissions, companies can develop effective reduction strategies, engage stakeholders, and achieve benefits such as cost reduction and improved reputation.

Climate Management

Product Carbon Footprint.

Determining the carbon footprint of a product offers a complete x-ray of its climate impact, from the extraction of raw materials to its final disposal.

By accurately quantifying greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and creating a tailored action plan, it is possible to identify opportunities to reduce costs, optimize processes, win over conscious consumers and build a more sustainable brand.

Climate Management > Featured Service 

Risk and Opportunity Analysis.

GSS designs strategic plans to assess the potential impacts of climate change in different future scenarios, helping to make strategic decisions and formulate adaptation and mitigation policies.

We analyze and identify climate change risks from a specific project to the entire operation, aimed at developing risk management, adaptation, and mitigation strategies in current or future scenarios. 

Climate Management
Climate Risk Matrix and Climate Scenarios.

We develop an action plan to help companies adapt to the impacts of climate change, identifying vulnerabilities, implementing resilience measures and strengthening their capacity to respond to extreme weather events.

Climate Management
Climate Adaptation Plan.

We implement a methodology to assign a financial value to the company's greenhouse gas emissions, helping to make decisions on more effective actions to mitigate those accordingly. This promotes awareness of climate impacts and drives the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Climate Management
Internal Carbon Pricing.
Plano de Descarbonização
Climate Management > Risk and Opportunity Analysis

Decarbonization Plan.

A strategic service that involves developing a plan to reduce an organization's greenhouse gas emissions over time. This includes specific targets, mitigation measures, an abatement curve, and investments in clean technologies.

GSS consultoria corporativa
Gestão Climática > Destaque

Assessoria em Sistemas de Reporte de Impacto Climático.

Entenda como assessoramos nossos clientes na declaração, gestão de indicadores e estratégias de ganho de performance nos mais reconhecidos sistemas de reporte de impacto climático e na biodiversidade.

Sistemas de Reporte

Climate Disclosure Project (CDP).

Orientação e suporte para empresas que desejam participar do Carbon Disclosure Project (CDP), uma iniciativa global que facilita a divulgação de informações sobre emissões de gases de efeito estufa (GEE), uso de recursos hídricos e impactos ambientais.


A assessoria inclui desde a análise de gaps, preparação das respostas aos questionários até a interpretação dos resultados e o desenvolvimento de estratégias para melhorar o desempenho ambiental.

Sistemas de Reporte

Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi).

Consiste em auxiliar empresas na definição e implementação de metas de redução de emissões de GEE alinhadas com as melhores práticas científicas, conforme estabelecido pela Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). Isso envolve a realização de análises de cenários, a definição de metas ambiciosas e factíveis, e o desenvolvimento de planos de ação para alcançá-las.

Sistemas de Reporte


Absorvendo e construindo em cima da base do TCFD (Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures), o IFRS S2 (International Financial Reporting Standards Sustainability-related Climate Disclosures) busca ser o novo framework padrão ide reporte de riscos e oportunidades corporativas relacionadas ao clima.

Nosso serviço apoia envolve a preparação e divulgação de relatórios financeiros de acordo com as essas diretrizes, que fornecem orientações específicas sobre como as empresas devem divulgar informações relacionadas ao clima em seus relatórios anuais. Isso inclui informações sobre os impactos financeiros das mudanças climáticas, os riscos e oportunidades associados e as estratégias de mitigação adotadas pela empresa.

Climate Disclosure Project (CDP) 

We provide advice and support to companies wishing to participate in the CDP (formerly the Carbon Disclosure Project), a global initiative that facilitates the disclosure of information on climate management, water use, biodiversity and forests.

Our consultancy ranges from gap analysis, preparation of questionnaire responses to interpretation of results and development of strategies to improve your score.

Conheça nossas soluções de impacto para cadeias de valor, finanças sustentáveis e sourcing responsável.

Conheça nossas soluções de impacto para cadeias de valor, finanças sustentáveis e sourcing responsável.

Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi) 

Assistance to companies in setting and implementing greenhouse gas emission reduction targets aligned with the best scientific practices, as established by the Science Based Targets initiative (SBTi). This involves scenario analysis, setting ambitious yet achievable targets, and developing action plans to achieve them. 

Conheça nossas soluções de impacto para cadeias de valor, finanças sustentáveis e sourcing responsável.

Conheça nossas soluções de impacto para cadeias de valor, finanças sustentáveis e sourcing responsável.

IFRS S2 - Climate-Related Financial Disclosures 

Building upon the Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), International Financial Reporting Standards Sustainability-related Climate Disclosures (IFRS S2) aims to become the new standard framework for corporate climate-related risk and opportunity reporting.


Our service supports the preparation and disclosure of financial reports in accordance with these guidelines, providing specific guidance on how companies should disclose climate-related information in their annual reports. This includes information on the financial impacts of climate change, associated risks and opportunities, and mitigation strategies adopted by the company. 

Conheça nossas soluções de impacto para cadeias de valor, finanças sustentáveis e sourcing responsável.

Conheça nossas soluções de impacto para cadeias de valor, finanças sustentáveis e sourcing responsável.

Task Force on Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) 

This service offers support for companies in implementing recommendations from the Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD), aimed at enhancing the disclosure of climate-related financial information. This includes climate risk assessment, integration of this information into financial reports, and transparent communication with investors and other stakeholders. 

Note: TCFD has been discontinued since late 2023, and we recommend transitioning to the IFRS S2 Carbon-Related Disclosures reporting system. 

Conheça nossas soluções de impacto para cadeias de valor, finanças sustentáveis e sourcing responsável.

Conheça nossas soluções de impacto para cadeias de valor, finanças sustentáveis e sourcing responsável.

Climate reporting systems advisory.

  • Participation in Boards of Directors.

    GSS offers its team's expertise to assist Boards of Directors in making strategic investment and policy development decisions with a greater understanding of climate risks and opportunities, greater engagement with stakeholders, improvement in the company's reputation and increased value perceived and generated to shareholders.

    In-company training programs.

    GSS offers personalized and in-company training to build corporate employees and suppliers' capacity on different topics – from the decarbonization path to the commercialization of carbon credits – so that they can become agents of change towards a low-carbon economy.

Climate Management > Featured Service 

Education and Engagement.

Climate inclusion through your Scope 03.

Innovation > Value chain 

Corporate partners become Climate Leaders by bringing micro and small businesses in their value chain – suppliers, points of sale, franchises, partners – into the Repenso climate movement.

Democratizando o clima | Escopo 03

Transform your Scope 3 with meaningful innovation.

Innovation > Value Chain 

We create innovative solutions for climate action, emissions offset, and carbon market access so that companies can deliver unique experiences through their digital channels. 

Soluções inovadoras para ação climática
Créditos de Carbono de NbS e TbS

Carbon credits trading and project consulting.

Sustainable Assets > NbS and TbS Carbon Credits 

Explore our carbon desk and technical consulting services for carbon credit generators. 

Related Services.

Access our ABS and sustainable use of biodiversity risks management advisory and consulting service.

Biodiversity Management.

Access our carbon credits and power purchase agreements trading desk.

Carbon Trading Desk.

Access our impact platforms and learn more about our ESG Marketing and innovation services.

Impact Innovation.

Access our decarbonization and socio-bioeconomy programs development and implementation services.

Program Implementation.

Get in touch with our team.

Gabriel Chaves Barboza

Gabriel Chaves Barboza

Climate Change Manager

Paulo Zanardi Jr.

Paulo Zanardi Jr.

Director of Climate Change

Related Services.

Access our ABS and sustainable use of biodiversity risks management advisory and consulting service.

Biodiversity Management.

Access our carbon credits and power purchase agreements trading desk.

Carbon Trading Desk.

Access our impact platforms and learn more about our ESG Marketing and innovation services.

Impact Innovation.

Access our decarbonization and socio-bioeconomy programs development and implementation services.

Program Implementation.
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